Monday, November 14, 2016

Advice to Baruch College

The concept of new media has taken the 21st century by storm and while some organizations have taken full advantage of it, others are still catching up. Baruch College is one of those organizations that fully embraces new media and technology but still has a long way to go.

One way Baruch can utilize new media is by finding an alternative to their mass campus information distribution system. As someone who likes to stay up to date on things happening on campus from club events to corporate presentations, it seems that I find out about great opportunities a couple of days late. One way to would be to subscribe to one of the clubs weekly newsletter but they primary display events that pertains only to their clubs. That means that I have to look through at least 4 to 5 different newsletters to find an event I'm interested in. In addition, when it comes to issues such as registration dates, campus security updates or even entrance closure notices, I'm usually the last person to find out.

A solution to this problem would be to combine all events and campus information into one centralized system or even a website. That way students can look through info all in one webpage rather than multiple and can even customize it to their preference. If someone is interested only in corporate and professional events they can set that as their favorites and won't have to scroll though tons of unwanted information. Since it's for the students, it should also be run by the students as they are more likely to know better what other students want to know more than administrators. 

Another idea would be to create a Baruch only forum/discussion board where students can discuss topics like which classes to take, where is the best place to study or even buy used textbooks all in one place. Last but not least, Baruch desperately needs a centralized place to get feedback on professors since third party websites such as are not accurate most of the times. The new system would make sure that the student rating the professor has actually taken the class and is qualified to rate.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like Baruch tries to keep student informed via their weekly email via baruchmail, but I as well, don't think this is suffiencient. most students barely visit their student emails until later. Therefore, it can be difficult for students to have or receive accurate information. Hence the reason why I agree with your idea.
